Women roll in the “Church”

Let me start off by defining what the church actually is, (Read: 2 Cor 6:16 and Roman’s 12:4-5)

Okay, So now you know the people are the church.

So when the question is asked “what is the roll of women in the church” you are asking what is the roll of a Christ following woman?”

Because to think that you have one roll inside your “church building” and another out side of your building is absolutely ridiculous thinking! It should actually be what is the roll of a Godly woman, period!

Now let’s explore what Gods word has to say about being a Christ following female.

Let’s start in the beginning, shall we?

God made the earth, light, animals and man… then he realized how helpless this pore sap named Adam was going to be, so he had to make a woman who Adam then named Eve, to make his life perfect!

Don’t believe me read the Bible! (Genesis 2:15-25)

First off let me start by saying God told Adam to not eat the fruit! Eve probably wasn’t even made yet! So girls if he tries that “well Eve ate the fruit” thing, I would reply with “honey what did I ask you to do 10 minutes ago?” As he looks at you and goes “what does that have to do with anything?” Just say “exactly!” Lol

Because if your man can’t even remember to take out the trash once a week, how can they blame us for something he probably only mentioned once?

I can hear the conversation now.

Eve: “wow what a beautiful tree, I can only imagine how good that fruit would taste”

Adam: “yeah, so I am thinking about tying some vines together and seeing how many horses I can tie together and see how fast we can pull the T-Rex around the pond, oh yea, I think God said something about not eating that, but I was thinking later I might teach the monkeys how to walk like we do and peal bananas, maybe one day people will think they taught us!”

Why is it women are looked down on, but actually men are like “well Eve was naked and if my wife was naked, I’d eat it too!” Y’all come on! Maybe that’s a little far out there, but you get my point?

Maybe I was getting off track there, but the point is we were made to be “help meets” for our better half. So we were made for marriage, and to work together, following Jesus together! Ain’t that just cool.

What about Sarah?

Now moving on, if you know the story of Sarah then you know that one you should never laugh at God. But what amazes me is the fact that she laughed at God and then lied about it, but then still God let her get pregnant and blessed her with a so. and never punished her from what I see, but yet Ishmael laughed or made fun of Sarah son Isaac and Sarah sent her away, and God told her husband Abraham to listen to Sarah and he did. I think that’s very interesting how that happened, I can’t help but to think of what else went on in that story. But either way we see God telling one of the greats to listen to his wife. And how even those we screw up we can still have mercy from Christ and if He decides, He can still bless us even if it seems we don’t deserve it.

Now let’s also talk about this salty heifer…

Lots wife. God gave one rule “do not look back” you can read this story in Genesis 19.

What did she do she looked back!

I think that’s one thing us women have a hard time not doing is “looking back” God answers our prayers and gets us out of that situation or takes that person out of our life but it’s so easy to “look back” at it ain’t it? I know it is for me.

So I think this is one thing we can learn from this salty heifer is don’t look back look to God. We are called to obey him so do it!

But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” (Luke 11:28)

Potiphar’s Wife

Even tho you wouldn’t call Potiphar’s wife a Christian lady in the Bible, you can still learn something from her story in Genesis 39.

We see this a lot in Christian groups where the young boys and even men are talked about having a sexual lust after women, and yes that’s true, but it’s also can be the other way around, and maybe sometimes even more so. Women can lust after men and even talk a man into committing sin. Probably even more easily than the other way around if we our honest.

So as a Christ follower who is a female we need to be careful of our actions, we also need to check our own hearts.

We see where the master Potiphar, took his wife’s word over Joseph. Why is that? Well, That’s his wife. Let me ask you, would you marry a man that wouldn’t believe you? No! Why not? Because that’s part of the marriage (trust). This shows us that we need to be carful what we tell our husbands and how we talk about things.

We are good at blowing things out of proportion right?

We’ll remember that, because we will normally choose how our husbands respond to that person, situation, etc.

So we need to be careful what we say, not just for our sake but also our husband and others.

Jochebed, Moses birth mother.

We know the story of Moses right? A mothers love and obedience to God saved one of the greats in the Bible.

We see where a “Government” was giving the command for all the baby boys to be murdered because the “Government” was worried the people were getting too strong. And we see a mother save her son and the midwives save babies, just by not killing them because they knew it would displease God. Do you know what pharaoh could have done to those midwives?

They laid their lives down on the line to please God, and for that God blessed them.

Remember in this world we are not called to serve a Government, NO! We are called to serve GOD! Some times that means standing up, breaking the rules, laying your life down.

As women we have the role of a mother to children. What an honor it is to have that. God didn’t have to make it that way! There was probably 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 different other ways he could have done us humans, but he chose to make us this way, and for us to have children and raise them. How incredible is that?

But most of all we learn we have to serve God not this world. And we can read in Psalms 127:3 how children are a blessing from God, and in Mark 10:14 Jesus loves children.

Some times I feel like as women I see a lot go (what I would call) unpunished just because we are the weaker sex, and some times I also think we think we can get out of some stuff because of it.

But what a scary thought to have because we can read in Numbers 12:1-15 about Miriam who was even a prophetess and who was the woman who got Moses to his birth mother so she could nurse him and take care of him in his young days. But she screws up big time in Numbers 12 and we see God did not, not punish her just because she was a woman.

I personally feel like this is a good check for us women to see that God will punish us the way he needs to and he’s not going to have special mercy for us just because of our sex, Because in the sight of God sin is sin.

Naomi & Ruth, I’m sure you know their story!

I do love this story and not just because my middle name is Ruth but it’s encouraging to me personally. This is my reasons for encouragement:

Let’s take Naomi for instance, how many mother in laws do you know would put your life before theirs? Exactly probably not many. But Naomi did! She wanted to see her daughter in laws get remarried and live their lives, and not just stay with her and maybe not find a man.

It was a selfless act of Naomi saying “go live your life” and I think that’s amazing.

Now for Ruth, we see this young lady who had all the rights to take her mother in laws advice and go find a man to take care of her. But did she do that? Nope.

Now answer me this how many daughter in laws would do this? Yeah, probably not many.

But she stayed with Naomi to make sure she was taken care of. Some times doing the right thing is going against your “culture” or beliefs, or rules. And we see where Ruth gets blessed by doing this and ends up with Boaz and a son.

Read: Ruth 3-4 and you can literally see the blessings both Ruth and Naomi received.

I can’t help but think that this mother daughter in law relationship only worked because both were both selfless women who’s heart was after God.

Because I’m sure if Naomi was like most mother in laws Ruth would have ran the second she was free and the other way around, I mean if Ruth was a selfish mean daughter in law, Naomi wouldn’t have let her stick around.

I can’t help but to think that their relationship was great because they had their hearts in the right place and were selfless women.

Let’s hit on something that’s probably the most touchy in the “church” and probably has been for most of the time humans have been walking the earth.

Can a woman be over a man?

Or should we say can God use a women? That might sound like two very different questions, but is it really?

I would say I hear the first question the most but never really the second.

Let’s talk about Deborah in (Judges 4-5)

Once again we see another prophetess, look up what that means if you don’t already know.

But not only that God put her in position of being a wait for it… drum roll please… a judge.

That’s right a woman judge! Now maybe not quite like what your thinking with the powdered white wig and hammer, no no!

This was more of almost a military judge. What’s crazy if you read the story, she’s actually only a judge over women! Wait hold up, that’s not right! Oh wait, there it is, the Bible says people. So even tho we live in 2023 and if you google “how many genders are there?” And see the number “76” there’s still only two genders that make up people, and that’s Male and Female!

We actually see men going to Deborah. We also see she defeated the enemy! Even tho it doesn’t last long we see where a women was used in a BIG way.

So going back to the question “can God use women?” Yes he can!

Now let’s also talk about the.. what do they call it white elephant in the room?

I’m not sure what color the elephant is but let’s talk about it.

I bet I don’t even have to write down this verse down that we are about to talk about. (1 Timothy 2:12) (don’t forget this is Paul’s letter to Timothy about the women in his congregation)

Eeeeek she said it! I know it’s the go to verse for every single egotistical “biblical” man on this earth that feels like he needs ALL THE POWER! Also for every cult that wants to shut women up.

But do you ever wonder why this verse is used so much in “church’s” well maybe after you read this article that’s turning into a book you’ll get it.

Let me start by asking you a question when we get to heaven as a woman are you going to stand there with your hands in your pockets and say nothing to Jesus face to face?

Who am I kidding?! We don’t need pockets in heaven! Lol

But seriously, I mean no! You are going to talk with Jesus right? If you can see God and talk to God ain’t you going to talk with him and ask him questions and praise him? I sure hope so!

So why is it different in the church?

Remember the church is not a building you walk into and lose your voice! The church is the people! And it’s ok to talk to men, ask them questions, speak your opinion, teach and more. If your married yes, your husbands is over you, but your still the bride of Christ.

Do you know why it’s import to understand your role in the church? Because if you don’t know what it is, then how can you do it?

Let’s read (Proverbs 31) shall we?

We all have herd 1,000s of times the phrase

“A proverbs 31 woman” I literally was in a lunch meeting with Joe and another man and he said “my wife is a real proverbs 31 kinda woman”

And I think that great it’s something I also my self hope my husband can brag about me, but I want you to really take a moment and read that scripture, it doesn’t say “she’s not to have a voice in the church, she’s not allowed to teach, she needs to know her place with men!” Not even close!

Most of it is about working hard, At one point it says “she opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue”

Here’s my thought for this subject.

Why is it when women have children and they have little boys that we are allowed to “teach them” we teach them the Bible, how to work, how to treat women, etc. but then when it comes to women speaking and teaching in the “church” we are to be hushed just because these boys grow up and turn into men. Never made a lot of sense to me.

Women God gave you a voice and he wants you to use it in the right manner, but mostly to use it for His glory so do it! Use it!

What about Mary?

Lastly, let’s take a minute and study the woman who brought Jesus into our world.

Have you really sat down and thought about that? That God used a woman, well really a girl to bring Jesus into the world.

I say a girl because did you know that most girls got married between the age of 12-14 years old in those days? You remember what it was like being 12 years old? Can you imagine being told by an angel that God had sent to her that she’s going to be pregnant?

And what did Mary say? Luke 1:38 says “And Mary said “behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word” and the angel left.”

Did Mary run away? No!

Did Mary not speak since she was a women? No!

Did Mary over think it? No!

Did Mary know what was at stake? Yes.

Back in those days a women having a baby before she was married was one of the biggest NO NO’s you could do. Her life could have even been ended, I mean stoned to death, but she was ok with that because she was serving God.

Think about it, she could have said “No I’m not breaking the rules! I’m not going to get in trouble! I’m not going to let people think bad of me! I’m not wanting to possibly be punished, I have my reputation to think of!”

But she didn’t. She broke “the rules” you can say to bring Jesus into this world.

I say that to say this, if God wants you to do something even if it goes against your “church bylaws” then you better do it!

A verse that comes to mind it actually one of my most favorite Bible verses, (2 Timothy 1:7)

“For God didn’t give us the spirit of fear but of power, love and self control.”

I actually have that on the back of my truck, on a pair of custom tooled leather hey dudes (shoes), and much more. It’s what I really try to keep in mind every single day because it’s such a simple but important verse.

Another point to make is that Mary was called the “highly Favored” let’s take a moment and do something fun here.

Either write down or just think about the most highest favored person right now to you. It could be the president, a king, someone in the military, I mean endless possibilities. Now think about how that person is treated. I bet you thought of the red carpet being rolled out for them, any thing they need it’s filled, protection, comfort right? Mainly we think of a comfy life style for highly favored people.

But what do we see Mary go through?

I haven’t ever been pregnant but for you gals who have, can you imagine riding a donkey for around 100 miles while pregnant? I can tell you even without ever being pregnant that’s gonna be a no go for me. I can’t imagine. But then they get to the Inn and there’s no room. So they stay in a stable with the animals. I want you to think back to the last time you were in a barn. What did that smell like? I’m guessing the smell of roses didn’t come to mind?

Now if you ever had a baby, close your eyes go back to one of your births, and now smell that barn smell, now look over and picture a cow watching you give birth, think about not having a clean spot to lay your baby.

Now this is what a highly favored women of God went through.

I know some times I get my feathers ruffled because something doesn’t go right or I feel entitled to something but how dare I? I mean really! I have no right to complain, no right to entitlement, nothing like that.

I think the amazing thing we can take from this story is that one God used a women to bring his son to this earth, two we need to say yes to God even if it goes against the “rules” and society, three we have no right to entitlement just because we are one of Gods children and last God gave us not the spirit of fear but of POWER, LOVE AND SELF CONTROL!

You know I could keep going on and on about what a women’s role is in the church. But I think it’s best to stop here and let you continue to read about the women in the Bible and what a Godly women looks and acts like and what pleases the Lord.

If you have any questions or want me to touch on a topic please reach out to me any time, if you still have any questions about your role as a woman in church… here you go….

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28)

~Ann Lester ~


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