Not sure how this year has went so fast, but like they say time flies when you’re having fun! But either way we find ourselves at the end of October, and we know that halloween is the next thing coming up.

We all know what Halloween is right? Of course, it’s a innocent holiday, where the children get to have fun, eat candy and dress up in costumes and have a party!

Or is it?

Let’s do a little bit of history and see what we can come up with.

So it’s believed that Samhain also known as All Hallows' Day, can be traced back about 2,000 years to a pre-Christian Celtic festival held around Nov. 1

The celtic celebration of Samhain, a hallowed festival that marked the end of the harvest season and welcomed in the new year. Samhain was also a time when the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead grew thin, so those that still had blood running through their veins could communicate with loved ones who had passed on to the other side.

Man that sounds cool, let’s do this!

“A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer (sorcerer) shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones; their blood shall be upon them.” (Leviticus 20:27)

You might say “that’s harsh man, I can’t believe you can have a God like that!” well that’s fine, look at it this way once they die, you can just wait and talk to them next year on October 31, but unfortunately, that’s not exactly how it works. Even tho we are not under the old law its still shows the heart of God, and how He doesn’t work well with people that think they can worship Him & satan, that’s a no no!

But I know some might say “well, we as Christians celebrate it as (all saints day) where we celebrate the martyrs, and Saints that died, maybe even the forefathers of this nation, and we set aside that time to remember the dead.” Oh, Really? Well that might sound good in theory, but why are you remembering the dead?

“For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten.” (Ecclesiastes 9:7)

In the Bible, it talks about us, remembering someone that died, and we as (Born Again, Bible believing, God fearing, Jesus confessing, sin forgiven, Christ follower) should be remembering this mans death, but we would not even have it to remember if that someone that died, did not raise again from the dead on the third day. And that’s why we can celebrate in remembrance of what Jesus did for us, not because he’s dead, because Jesus is alive forever more!

So again, why are we in remembrance of people that died? Why are we trying to communicate with their spirits? Why do we even want to be associated with the religion that does this?

2 Corinthians 5:8 Paul says, “absent from the body is present with the Lord” so, if our love one that died was a “Christian” (Born Again, Bible believing, God fearing, Jesus confessing, sin forgiven, Christ follower) then they are with Jesus right now, so for us there is no point in doing anything with their dust, if your love one was not saved by the blood of Jesus, I know its hard to hear but the truth is, there is nothing you can do for them now, and there is nothing they can do for you, so we have no need to be celebrating this or trying to be a part of group that does this.

Lets do this, Instead of practicing what others that are in a cult of remembering the dead, and trying to communicate with spirits, why don’t we take this day to remember the one, and only that died and rose again, and worship him in spirit, and in truth, and try to grow our relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, even more on this day, and instead of worrying about the dead and trying to talk to them, let’s focus on telling everyone we can find about Jesus and what he has done for them, even though they do not know it yet, that way maybe we can have a lot less dead people and just more sleeping people until the day Jesus comes to give us all new bodies!

What’s wrong with having fun and eating Candy?

Is there anything wrong with eating candy?

Is there anything wrong with giving candy to kids? Absolutely not, well that is if their parents will allow you to and they’re not on a sugar high already lol

But really in all seriousness, if you want to go eat candy, Literally every single day your local store sells candy, you can go buy some and eat all you want, you can go around to all the neighborhoods and pass out candy to all the kids, any day of the week all day long, I mean I actually would recommend doing something like this, I mean you could even give them a track to read as well in the process.

But why would you pick the only day that represents spirits and evil that Satan is in control of, to let your kids go wild, and basically just putting your relationship with Jesus on hold while you celebrate with demons?

I would definitely be careful if I were you.

“I do not want you to be participants with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. Shall we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than he?” (1 Corinthians 10:20-22)

I would encourage you to read all of these verses here, not just these verses, but the whole Bible in general, that is highly recommended! But especially these verses here to deal with the Halloween issue.

Home Work

(Leviticus 20:27, Leviticus 19:31, Isaiah 8:19-20, Leviticus 20:6, Deuteronomy 18:10-12, first, Samuel 28:1-25, 1 Chronicles 10:13-14, 1 John 4:1, 1 Peter 5:8, 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, 1 Corinthians 10:20-21,  2 Corinthians 6:14-18, 2 Peter 2:8-12, Matthew 5:16)

But if after you read your Bible and watch this ex-satanist talk about what halloween means, and your still on the fence about this or might not even have thought about this before, well I encourage you to read this post.

The words you are about to read I literally copied from the church of satan website. Why? Because I hope it opens people’s eyes to how bad this is and why as Christ followers we can’t, I mean CAN’T be a part of this holiday.

Church of Satan

“High Priestess Barton”

Halloween is traditionally a time when the obscure portal into the realms of darkness, death and the supernatural is thrown open. Demons and spirits have free reign for one night, cavorting, enticing us into their revels and revealing glimpses into the future. As a child drawn to darker passions from birth, I always delighted in the fear and fantasies of Halloween. It gives even the most mundane people the opportunity to taste wickedness for one night. They have a chance to dance with the Devil, either stumbling, tittering and nervous in the arms of the Black Prince, or boldly, ravenously sharing in the sensual excesses and fright of others on this magical, unholy night. Now, birth and death have, for me, become inextricably interwoven into this day. Our son, Xerxes, was born to us on November 1st, the Day of the Dead in Latin cultures, a time reserved for feasting and communing with long-dead ancestors. We celebrated Xerxes’ birthday at midnight on Halloween for three years. And then our High Priest—my love and Master—died on October 29th, 1997, three days before Xerxes’ fourth birthday. As painful as the last two years have been for Xerxes and I, it seems fitting that Dr. LaVey should have died when he did, when the barrier between life and death is only a paper-thin membrane. Anything can happen on such a night.

To defy blind belief, but to be open to infinite possibilities—that is why I am proud to wear the Baphomet. That is one main aspect of the philosophy Anton LaVey crystallized as Satanism. I do not have to be a bubble-brained “true believer” to entertain wild fancies. I can appreciate the power of fear, sensuality and ritual without giving up my reason. In Satanism, they are one and the same. Sexuality and intelligence; religion and logic; imagination and science; illusion and reality; fact and fiction—all shifting seamlessly together in intriguing patterns. Satanists dive headlong into all possibilities, delighting more in a complex truth, than in a comforting lie. We revel in the stimulation of complexity—that teetering back and forth to extremes in order to find inevitable balance. That is the essence of life. Stasis leads to stagnation.

Anton LaVey never pretended to have all the answers. He wanted, ultimately, to encourage people to never stop questioning, engaging in the lusts of life and challenging themselves. We are the thrill-seekers, red-lining it through life. What is disturbing to others, disquieting or threatening, we find most invigorating.

Fear, and change, challenges us. Losing Dr. LaVey two years ago was a challenge to all of us, but we’ve used it to bring our ideals into keener focus and persist even more in our resolve. Anton LaVey lives—when we laugh, play music, cavort with our children, achieve our selfish desires, and rut lustily with our lovers. From the last two years, I can see that the continuance of Satanism, and of the Church of Satan, is assured. We will remain the underground cabal of heretics Anton LaVey activated in 1966. We will continue to share our undefiled knowledge and strength with those precious few, the Devil’s Own, who seek it with patience, persistence and sincerity. We will teach our children to embrace life, shamelessly, without reservation. We will not indoctrinate them, substituting one blind orthodoxy for another. Society has seen lately how children grow angry and resentful when they discover they’ve been lied to by those in authority. We will provide a clear path for each child’s unique observations and expressions, a clear knowledge of justice, and, most importantly, encourage an understanding of human fears and foibles, and how to let those fears work to his advantage.

Yes, the demons have indeed provided a crystalline vision of the future to me this most unhallowed night. I see the firelight flickering wildly in my son’s eyes as he dances happily in his pirate costume. I see the young monsters and witches and vampires loosed in our streets, never to be shackled again. I see reason and science and fantasy blasting away the dull lethargthy of defunct philosophies. I see Satanists all over the world meeting in small groups this night and Hallowe’ens 500 years hence, to raise a glass to the Infernal Hosts, the revolutionaries, myth-makers, infidels and reprobates, and to Anton LaVey—Long Live our High Priest!

Hail Satan!


So if you read all of that and claim to love Jesus with all your heart, then how can you celebrate this in any way? And when I say anyway I also mean how can you go to a “church” that does anything as a celebration on that night? You want a fall festival do it the first day or weekend of fall, or literally any day of fall, why are you sitting here trying to make the most evil day on earth part of Gods church?

It’s easy to get sucked into things of the world, but please stand up be strong, and say no! Especially for your children’s sake. How can you teach them about good and not to be evil when you allow once a year to let evil into your life, and celebrate with demons?

So now what, I mean what should you do?

For one I would say pray! I wish that Halloween was the national day of prayer to be honest. Pray for the lost, pray for the wicked, pray for protection, pray for salvation for all!

You want to show Christ Love during this holiday? Put down the snickers and open your “church” and have where all “Christians” get together in the Lords name and praise Him and remember what Jesus did for us, and pray that everyone will see His love through us and Pray for those family members that still have a chance and that could be with you forever in heaven, in the presence of your almighty God & Lord and savior Jesus Christ!

I pray that you let God lead you and that you truly love Christ with all your heart and be bold enough to love your neighbor as yourself! Always and forever but let’s have an extra dose on this Halloween!

Until next time, and from now on, may the good Lord bless you with his abundant grace!


Born-Again Christain


Joe & Ann - Introduction