Christian Capitalism

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Let's start off with just a couple of questions.

  1. Why should you get paid for something you're already supposed to be doing? (2 Corinthians 11:7-9)

  2. Do you need to be paid for getting out of bed in the morning? No, If you're a healthy human being, this is just a normal process of life.

  3. Do you need to get paid to eat? Again, eating is a normal process in life, essential for survival.

  4. Should you be paid to drink water? Drinking water is necessary for survival; it's part of life.

    Real Life Example

If a waiter would bring you a menu to order food at a restaurant, why would they deserve a tip? Bringing a menu is just part of their job. Let's say they bring you a drink; again, this is part of their job. Why would they deserve a tip for this? However, if they go above and beyond their job description—helping you decide what to order, recommending the best dishes, constantly refilling your drink without you even asking, not only this but its their attitude while they do it, and if its above and beyond what they half to do, then they deserve not only a tip but a very generous one!

(Matthew 5:12, Luke 6:23, Galatians 6:9)

It's the same way when you're a Christian (born-again, Bible-believing, Jesus-confessing, sin-forgiven Christ follower). Your job is to follow Jesus, strive to be like Him, and be guided by the Holy Spirit within you. I think it’s interesting when the disciples ask Jesus how to increase their faith, he says to obey him and do your duties, and you’re not getting rewarded for this because this is what you as a servant are supposed to be doing is obeying your master. Telling people about Jesus, teaching others about Him, helping people through life, offering encouragement, counseling, and showing love—all of this is part of the job description. You don't get paid for doing this, nor do you get rewarded for merely meeting the minimum requirements. You are rewarded when you go above and beyond what you are called to do.

(Mark 8:3, Matthew 20:6, John 6:29-35, John 13:34-35, Luke 17:6-10, Colossians 3:23, 1 Corinthians 3:14, 1 Corinthians 15:58, Galatians 6:9, 1 Peter 1:3-9)

Some may argue that they need compensation for teaching the truth, but the Bible states that the Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth, and Jesus is the ultimate teacher. So why should you get paid for something the ultimate teacher is already doing, not to mention, He actually instructs everyone to learn from Him instead of human teachings that can be distorted, deceptive, and burdensome?

(Matthew 23:4, John 16:13, 1 John 2:27, 1 Timothy 6:3-19, 2 Peter 2:3, 1 Corinthians 9:18-19, Colossians 2:8)

I've listened to a few Bible teachers who initially accepted donations for their work, and I support that. The Bible talks about that those who work deserve their pay, and we should support and help each other build God's kingdom. However, after a few years, some of these teachers started requiring monthly subscriptions to access the full teachings of the Bible. This is foolishness and goes against the principles of the Bible. If you're making money off the free gift that God, in human form as Jesus, gave us through the greatest sacrifice in history, then you have lost your freaking mind!

(1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, 1 Timothy 5:17-18)

We need to return to what the Bible says, what Jesus teaches us, and understand the true meaning of life. Jesus said you cannot even see the kingdom of heaven unless you are born again. You can teach good things and have extensive biblical knowledge, but if you're not born again, you cannot even see the kingdom of heaven, let alone understand it. If you don't understand it, please do not teach others what you do not grasp, especially for profit and deceit.

(John 3:3-7, 1 John 2:27, Romans 2:20-22)

Jesus clearly stated that we should let the Holy Spirit lead us into all truth. He also clearly stated that no one should strive to be a leader among us because we are all one in Him. Jesus said that whoever wants to be the greatest among us must be the least and serve others. Slaves, as we know, were not paid; they served. Jesus said that slaves are not greater than their Master, and we are supposed to be slaves to Jesus. Did Jesus get paid for His service?

(Matthew 8:20, Matthew 20:26-28, Mark 10:44, John 16:13-15, 1 John 2:27, Ephesians 6:5-9, Galatians 3:28)

Jesus said to give to Caesar what is due to Caesar and to God what is due to God. We are supposed to pay Jesus back for what He did by serving others and living like Him, not by charging for it. Do you see the irony in all of this?

(Mark 12:17, Matthew 9:9-13, Hosea 6:6, James 4:7, Romans 12:1-2)

Another interesting point is that a lot of the references in the Bible where leaders are paid are actually talking about false teachers making money off the free gift that Jesus gave us. This is not only wrong but foolish and completely against what is right.

(1 Timothy 6:3-19, 2 Peter 2:3)

Even the apostles, the prominent figures in the Christian faith, had jobs. The (great) apostle Paul, some people say he was the great apostle, but I think that's a little bit ridiculous because God says we are all equal in Him. But either way Paul was actually a tentmaker. He worked hard to make a living and not burden the believers in the towns where he preached the good news. It's interesting that Paul worked a job to support himself. When he wasn't working, he was telling people about Jesus and helping them in their daily lives. This is what we should be doing as Jesus followers—loving others as Jesus loved us.

(2 Corinthians 11:9, 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13, John 15:12, Galatians 3:28)

Christianity is not about living a glamorous life. Everyone wants to be a preacher or a youth minister or hold a position of authority. But Christianity is about following Jesus, not about seeking glamour or fame.

Pastors, youth ministers, bishops, and leaders in the church should not be getting paid because it's not a job. It's what we are called to do. When you're a Christ follower, you are supposed to follow Jesus, that’s why we are called Christians. Ask any of the apostles and see how much they got paid. Also, ask them about the glamorous lives they lived and how awesome it was.

The apostles had some of the most challenging earthly lives one could imagine. Jesus said, "If they persecuted me, they will persecute you," and this can be seen in the lives of the apostles and all early Christ followers and still continues today.

(John 15:18-27)

You can read about part of Paul's challenging life, It was far from glamorous. Consider the crucifixion of Peter, who was hung upside down on a cross, or the boiling of John in a pot of oil. Though I don't know the details, But I live in Georgia and in the summertime its feels like I’m boiling, and I can imagine the discomfort of heat, and it's safe to say it wouldn’t be glamorous at all. Furthermore, John was exiled to the island of Patmos because they tried so many times and they couldn't kill him. That's how "glamorous" it was.

(2 Corinthians 11:25-30, Revelation 1:9)

Let’s take Jesus for instance, now you have to remember that Jesus is God in human form, the creator of the universe, the One who was the One who is and the One who is still to come. Jesus was a carpenter, they would not have called him a carpenter unless he actually carpented, don’t even know if that’s a word but if not, I just made it up. lol

But the point is Jesus worked as well, Not to mention he made the most spectacular thing in all history that's right history itself and the whole universe that we are living in, so technically Jesus would be the greatest worker and all of history. He had a very glamorous life, remember what he said about his fancy mansion? Oh that’s right that’s what he left to come down and give his life for us, Jesus actually said that he does not even have a place to lay his head he did not have a place that he could call his home, the prominent people of the day were constantly trying to kill him, they tried to throw him off a cliff, they tried to stone him, every opportunity they had they were mocking him and trying to kill him and when it was time for him to lay down his life he let them beat him beyond recognition, and then ultimately being crucified and killed and stabbed with a spear. Now I’m not real technical on how this would feel, I haven’t had this done to me and I hope I never do but I can promise you one thing this is not a fun and glamorous life and that you can be sure of.

(Isaiah 52:14, Isaiah 53: 4-12, John 19:13-37, Luke 23:39-50, Matthew 27:23-56, Mark 15:16-41)

I could go on and on about this, even citing examples from the Old Testament where people were executed, stoned, put in a pit and left for dead, put in a fiery furnace and more. But I believe you understand the point—it is not glamorous to be a Christ follower. It's not something we choose to be cool or to get paid for. It is something we are called to do once we are born again.

Jesus said we must be born again, and when we are, His Holy Spirit dwells in us. Jesus said He would send the Comforter to us and show us what we need to know. Before I was born again, I had no desire to tell anyone about Jesus. But once I was born again, I wanted to share the good news with everyone I met. Before, I had no desire to read the Bible, but after being born again, I wanted to read it every day. It became an essential part of my life. My point is, no one trained me to do this. Once you give your life to Jesus and have the Holy Spirit living inside you, He guides you and gives you different urges and desires. You become a new person, Hint: that's why it's called being born again.

(John 3:1-21, John 14:6, John 16, 1 John 2:27)

Bottom line is this: If we want to get paid for sharing what Jesus has done for us, we are in it for the wrong reasons. I recently heard someone say that their church is different because it puts 50% of its tithing back into the community. I've been scratching my head so much lately I’m starting to go bald. Lol

The reason Jesus started His church (not referring to local denominational buildings, but the actual church—born-again, Bible-believing, Jesus-confessing, sin-forgiven Christ followers) was to put 110% back into the community. If you're not helping the people around you who need assistance, you're not truly living like Jesus. This is not something we can do on our own; that's why we must be born again and allow the Spirit to lead us into all truth and guide us through the process. Tithing is not about giving 10% of your earnings, nor is it about paying the preacher. We are to give our hearts 100% to Jesus, and He will take care of the rest.

(Psalm 119:10, Matthew 7:7, Matthew 23:23, Acts 4:32-35, James 4:7-17)

But as always, don't just take my word for it. If you did, I would be creating another denomination, and I would have to question myself for doing the same thing everyone else does in this world. So grab your Bible, dust it off, open it to Genesis 1, and don't stop reading until you finish the book of Revelation. And before you rush to put it back on the shelf, start over with Genesis, and repeat this process until God calls you home or until Jesus comes back and gets us. Listen to our Podcast here

Until next time and from now on, may the good Lord bless each and every one of you.

~Joe Lester~


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